Become member
The membership in the Austrian Society for Psychosomatics and Psychotherapeutic Medicine offers many advantages:
Ihre Vorteile
- Networking and exchange of experience with colleagues from all specialties
- Representation of your concerns in the medical associations and in public
- Entry in our treatment directory with the possibility of a free presentation of your treatment focus, announcement of events, etc.
- Free link from the treatment directory to your personal practice homepage
- Reduced fees at congresses and seminars
- Free participation in events of the ÖGPPM
- Support and mediation in case of complaints by patients
- Advice and support in questions of professional law
- For further information please see our statutes.
Become a member and participate
in the circle of colleagues for whom the biopsychosocial understanding of being healthy and being ill, psychosomatics and psychotherapeutic medicine is a concern. The membership fee is 72 € for full members and 35 € for associate members.
Austrian Society for Psychosomatic and Psychotherapeutic Medicine
Vienna Medical Academy
Alser Straße 4, 1090 Vienna
Register of Associations Number: 256699235
Alser Straße 4, 1090 Vienna
Register of Associations Number: 256699235
Wiedner Gürtel 46a/4
1040 Wien
Dr. Nicole Saravandi-Rad
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Nicole Saravandi-Rad or our board members.
Bank Details
Bank Account: Erste Bank
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Psychosomatik und Psychotherapeutische Medizin
IBAN: AT61 2011 1293 3159 8400